Monday, August 12, 2013

Our stuff.....

.... did indeed arrive today!! jaaaajjj!! i kept waking up this morning, and every time i thought the movers were somehow standing in front of our door (one time i even imagined them saying something in english... at 5 or 6 this morning). but... they called to let us know they would be arriving in 1.5 hours (they came from the UK). of course they rang the wrong doorbell (we live at the 4th floor but the house number is 3, but next to the bell it says 4 and then tim made a note saying its 3, and so everyone always rings at our neighbor, who is not too happy about that). compared to the real city center of amsterdam, the streets here are not too tiny. but they are one-way, and apparently too small for the gigantic moving truck (they had stuff from others as well), so they parked on the main street. buuuhhhh, i really looked forward to seeing the huge truck coming into the street so that i could take a picture from the balcony. they had carts, tim helped them and in no time all 19 boxes and our lovely bench were in the hallway downstairs; and i never got to see the actual truck!!
we didnt drag them all upstairs. right now we dont have enough space and also still need to paint the bedroom. but its so nice to have some of the stuff back again!! and yep.... as you can see above, i had that huge plastic container of cheese balls shipped home... i just couldnt resist, and when there was still some space i decided i could nicely use it to pack some of all the spices, seeds and flours i had collected in the us.... and next to it my cook books! jaaaajj, so nice to have those back... (especially the bread book). theres still more kitchen stuff... so i will have to be creative in finding space for it all in the already overflowing kitchen..... 
we bought elvis a few weeks back here in amsterdam (i never cared for elvis until we visisted graceland.......). ah, and to the far right you can see (part of) our orange bread box hanging on the wall.... i do hope the walls are strong enough... ;)


biebkriebels said...

That must be fine to see your stuff again. I had the same with Elvis, considered him as a weird fat person, but when visiting Graceland, he became human for me with a wife and a child playing in the garden on the swing. As almost all the great artists he ended tragically surrounded by the wrong people who gave him the wrong drugs.

Kay said...

Your bread box looks like the blue one I saw that was called a Dutch bread box. So they were telling the truth!

I'm picturing all the boxes piled up by your front door. You can't leave them there, can you?

Jack said...

Hurray! Your "stuff" will help you to feel at home in this new apartment.